Summer Sunburn Remedies

It’s finally that time of year again! Summer and sunshine is back in town and skin care becomes EXTRA important. I am absolutely obsessed with skincare as you guys already know, but sun care is usually lacking a bit for me. I know, I know, sunscreen is super important but with how carefree we are its easy to forget. So, if you’re like me or you just have very sensitive skin, you’ll get a few sunburns here and there. They suck, that’s the truth. They hurt, you’re hot, uncomfortable, and some times this feeling could last for days. I have a few tricks up my sleeve to make this a lot less painful and get rid of that burn in half the time. If you have any other tricks please let me know in the comments. DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor this is only what works for ME. If allergic to any of these please do not use them.

Apple Cider Vinegar & Coconut Oil

This is always my go to when I get a sunburn. Usually I always have these two on hand img_9045which makes it easier. I even bring them on vacation, they’re that good. What happens with the apple cider vinegar is it cools down the skin. So, it removes the heat of the sunburn. Still leaves it a little red but it begins immediately taking away the burn. The coconut oil heals the skin and prevents peeling. My LEAST favorite thing in the world is peeling away my tan. Its gross and makes my tan disappear.

What you need:

Apple Cider Vinegar

Cotton Pads

Coconut oil

Here are the steps I follow:

  1.        Grab a few cotton pads and soak them in apple cider vinegar. (The smell wont           be pleasant but the results will.
  2.        Rub the cotton pads all over your sunburn.
  3.        Let it sit for a least 5 minutes.
  4.        Hop in the shower. COLD water only. Let it rinse off the smell and then lightly           exfoliate your skin.
  5.        When you’re done pat the towel over the sunburn. DO NOT RUB. I promise it             will  hurt.
  6.        Warm up the coconut oil between your fingers and spread over the sunburn.             Try to rub it in as much as you can.
  7.        Let the oil dry and soak up into your skin before you put on clothes.
  8.        Do this for the next couple days until the sunburn is gone for best results and             little to no peeling.

Drink Water!

Drinking water is extremely important but especially when you have a sunburn! It rehydrates your skin and trust me you need it. You need to rehydrate from the inside out, if not it won’t matter what ointments or treatments you use because you won’t be hydrated enough. Water keeps your skin supple and reduces the inflammation and irritation of your skin.

Wear Loose Clothing

Obviously this won’t make your sunburn completely go away but tight clothing can increase the irritation. It will hurt and burn to even wear tight clothing so it’s better to just stay away from it for a few day. It lets your skin heal itself without further irritating it.

Cold Milk Compress

Trust me when I say that I didn’t think this would work at all, until I tried it. The same way that milk helps when you eat something spicy, it helps your skin when it’s red and burning. Any milk will do just make sure it is chilled. Not only will it feel amazing but the redness will begin to calm down. Soak the compress in cold milk and apply to the sunburn.

What you need:


Cotton Pads

Aloe Vera

This by no means is anything new and I’m sure you have used this before. Aloe calms and soothes the skin but personally instead of the bottled product I like to use it straight from the leaf. You can buy the whole aloe vera leaf at Publix or Winn Dixie. You can cut it along the side and open up the leaf to get to the product. Applying it straight from there will intensify the healing of our skin.

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